
Name - Jesica
Age - 18

I am nothing but a drop.


November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
October 2007

Random aka My Xanga
Only Hope
Conformity aka My MySpace
Nothing But A Drop
The Reflex Tester.
Test Your Skillz
High Score:.203 Bitches
Can You Escape?
High Score: 26.891 sec.
The Greatest Harry Potter Fan Site


"You have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy."
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
---Albus Dumbledore

I've made my choice; I won't do what's easy. I'll no longer dwell; I'll live my life. And these are the reasons.
The reasons for my choice.



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Monday, March 27, 2006

[::..To Going Against The Grain..::]

I'm going insane. No question. No doubt. I'm loosing what little of my mind I had left. Yay for insanity.

ttyl and better days,

I can't go on like this
I loathe all I've become

---Evanecsence, Away From Me, Origin

Alura - 11:20 AM

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

[::..My Measurement..::]

Five years of friendship, one month of dating, two years of heart ache and trying. The first day's a nod, the second is pure silence. Instead of cups of coffee, or inches, or laughter, my five years amount to silence. Glad to know I spent my time wisely.

Alura - 12:58 PM

Friday, March 17, 2006

[::..Why Do I Try?..::]

Alright, so Matt calls me and I'm trying to talk to him. Trying to be a freind to him, tell him whats happening in my life and.... it was useless. Most of the time I felt like he either didnt give a crap or wasnt listening. I mean I try to tell him about the essay I'm writing based off the book Half and Half that I read. He pretty much didn't care. After that I pretty much closed up and therewas basicly just awkward silence punctured by occasional comments. I mean, I'm trying. Really I am. But ugh. I just doesn't feel like he's open to anything I say. Maybe I'm being emo, maybe I'm over reacting. But really, could he at least act like he cared about what I said? That'd be nice. In my opinion either start acting like you care, or just give up. It seems like everytime I try to bridge the gap, it gets larger. And while I'm a very loud person, I'm getting tired of yelling across the canyon.

ttyl and better days,

You never saw how much the crack had opened.
You never knew I had run out of rope.
---Jamie, Goodbye Until Tomorrow/I Could Never Rescue You, The Last Five Years

Alura - 6:24 AM

Sunday, March 05, 2006

[::..Some Things Will Always Be The Same..::]

Well its a comfort to know that one thing in my life will always be the same.

No matter whats happening in my life, how hard I'm trying, or how much I dont want to, I always end up sitting on the floor of my room, curled up in a ball, crying my eyes out. Alone.

ttyl and better days,

I lay dying
And I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal
I'm dying, praying, bleeding, and screaming
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lost?

---Evanescence, Tourniquet, Fallen

Alura - 1:49 AM