
Name - Jesica
Age - 18

I am nothing but a drop.


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"You have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy."
"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
---Albus Dumbledore

I've made my choice; I won't do what's easy. I'll no longer dwell; I'll live my life. And these are the reasons.
The reasons for my choice.



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Sunday, October 29, 2006


Yeah, so I'm incapable of a few things. Here the list:

1. Being 100% honest with people. There are some people that I wont lie to. But that doesnt mean I tell them the whole truth. Yeah, just now was an example of that. I hate to admit it, but Neylon's ability to avoid questions is a good tactic. Annoying as hell if you on the recieving end but useful as hell for the one trying to avoid something.

2. Having close friends. No matter what, I'll get annoyed with them. I know thats natural, but when I get annoyed with someone I think is the closest I have to a good friend, I cant let it go. And theres no point in telling them cause thats who they are. I cant ask them to change for me.

3. Telling people my problems. I've taught myself for so long not to tell anyone my problems or issues, that I can. I may tell you something, but thats either a) old news, b) not the real issue or c) not an important issue compared to others I have.

4. Being normal. I cant even be happy with tons of people around me. Even at the parties, I got annoyed. Like all of that was fake. If I hadnt gone, the party still would have been great for everyone. So what did it matter?

5. Being content. Even surrounded by people I long for just a little bit of love or contact. Not the fake hugs that get passed around Crew like AIDS, but a real hug that contains love and effection that is directed only towards you. God, I dont even know what that feels like. My mother hugged me and told me she loved me before I left for Emily's. Instead of feeling loved, all I felt was akward and annoyed. If shes gonna say, how bout acting on it!

Its almost nice that no one reads this thing anymore. I can say whatever I like. Cause if anyone read this, I'd have to hold back. But no one reads it cause if they did either a) I've be commited, b) I'd be sent back to Jacoby or c) Someone would ask me about it. But none of that has happened.

ttyl and kinky sex dreams for all,

After all this time i try to understand this pain
No excuses so i find a reason to run away
To run away
---Revelation Theory, Leaving It Up To You, Truth is Currency

Alura - 8:12 PM

Sunday, October 22, 2006

[::..Please Tell Me What A Friend Is!..::]

/frɛnd/ friend Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[frend] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun
1.a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2.a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
3.a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
4.a member of the same nation, party, etc.

So that’s a friend huh? Well let’s see how that works for me.

1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.

Personal regard? Well I don't really respect any of my "friends." Most to me aren't even real people. Ok let me explain. Their people, I know that. But I don’t see substance. I see..... bodies. Heck, I even see souls in those bodies, but not souls with substance. I see nothing there I should "regard." Attraction? Seeing as how I avoid them unless it’s an official Tech event, how is that attraction. If anything that’s repulsion. That goes back to the no substance thing. No substance=nothing to relate to=no reason to call you a friend=not friends.

There are, of course, exceptions. I see some substance in a few people: Jeremy, Sam and Marina. That’s all. With the Thomases, well I see substance, so there for I don’t go out of my way to avoid them. (Better then I can say for most of my "friends.") Though we don’t talk about anything of importance. At least not usually. So the substance is there, or at least potentially there, but not utilized. So we aren’t really friends, I just see them as more then just walking bodies.
Marina on the hand I do nothing but utilize that substance with. I feel almost as if the only reason she comes to be is to vent, so to speak. She can come to me and talk, maybe even get some advice and support. So instead of being friends I'm like a therapist meets support group.

Did you see friend anywhere in there? Didn’t think so.

2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter

You have to have substance to give support right? You can’t help if you don’t have anything to help with. So that cuts out most people at the get go. Again, we are left with the (Forgive my crude Latin skills) Teneo Tria. [Enduring Three] Well as I said, with Jeremy and Sam the substance isn’t really utilized so no assistance or support there. I’m still just as lonely and miserable as ever. I still cry myself to sleep most nights and I still hate my life. They offer and all that, which is nice, but I can’t go to them. I don’t know how to utilize their substance. I have to have a basis with you to go to you. No firm basis with them.
On to Marina. For a while I thought that there was support there. I thought I had someone to go to and talk to about my problems. But I soon found out I’m just a substitute Sam. When she and Sam aren’t getting along, then I get talked to. If she can’t talk to Sam about it, I’m the one she comes to. But if Marina and Sam are cool; if she can go to Sam with her problem, then I’m left out of the picture. Want proof? Here ya go. She couldn’t talk to Sam about Adam, so I got talked to. She wasn’t getting along with Sam at the beginning of the year, so I got attention. Not enough proof? The vast majority of what we talk about is Sam. If Marina is unsure about something or annoyed with something, then she comes to me. (And I don’t mean to be self-centered here. I’m sure she talks to other people when mad at Sam like Christine Shu but I’m focusing on me here. Sorry folks.) I’ve long suspected that I was simple a substitute Sam, but now I’m sure of it. Support? Not really. That simply means I only get support if she isn’t getting along with Sam. Oh yeah, that’s something to base a friendship off of; whether or not someone is getting along with another of their friends.

3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile

No hostility? Well half the time I wanna punch people like Brittany and Emily in the face, so they’re thrown out of the window. The rest of my “friends?” Depends. Most mornings I wanna be as far from them as possible. Sound like good terms to you? Not to me!

Let’s try the Teneo Tria. I have never felt any open hostility for any of them. That’s a good sign. And I can talk to them, which implies good terms. So maybe (by this definition at least) I have friends.
How ‘bout a closer look. Are we defining “good terms” as not wanting to punch someone in the face? Well that’s sad. By that definition I’m on “good terms” with Neylon too and we certainly aren’t friends!
“Good terms” should be just that: Open, friendly, flowing companionship with little to no issues or obstructions. So far I’ve listed issues with each member Jeremy, Sam and Marina. No friendship there.

4. a member of the same nation, party, etc.

Et cetera meaning club? Well by that definition I’m friends with all of Crew! Yay! *does a happy dance*
Wait a tick! Something’s off here. Same nation? So I’m friends with everyone in America? Well we know that’s certainly not true. I don’t even know everyone in America, how are we friends? So simply by ludicrous implications, this definition is proven wrong too.

5. Wait! There is no five. That’s it. That’s all. Hold on! No 5? That means I’ve proven the four definitions of friendship to not hold meaning with anyone I know. Well that’s not good! If I can’t find anyone to fit a definition of friendship, then I have no friends. And so we come to the real importance of all this sarcastic rambling. I have to friends. Now, I’m not saying I’m without fault in all this. I know I have fault in this. I’m not an easy person to get to know. I get along with most people just fine. But I don’t get to know people well. See the difference? I hope so. Being social with and being close to someone are very different concept.

Now this rambling to an extent makes me a hypocrite. (Please know I loathe hypocrites.) So how I have to prove I’m not one. I told Marina last night that things can’t be changed if you don’t talk to people. And I haven’t talked to anyone about this. Making me a hypocrite right? Not quite. What I said was (and Thank You Trillian for automatically saving all IM conversations) “all i can say is nothing will change if u dont talk to her,” and “just try talking to her. if u want change thats all u can do.” Short and simple version, if you want change then talk to people. Well I’m not ever sure I want change!

Do I really wanna try and get close to people that I don’t hate, but don’t see as having anything to offer me? Not really, what would be the point of that?

Do I really wanna try and find out how to utilize how others can help me when I know that they have others in their lives that they help more? Not really. I’m sick of being number two.

Do I really wanna try and find a way to become number one in a person’s life that already has a number one? Not really, how dare I try to oust someone.

So where’s that leave me?
I’ll tell you, very much alone. Alone with my pain. Alone with my misery.

I’m not quite sure why I wrote this. It kinda just came to be. I felt it necessary to try and find a bit of logic in the jumble of emotions and thoughts that is my brain. I had to know what a friend was and how it applied (or didn’t apply) to me. Also, I suppose this is a bit of an explanation to all those that actually read this/have noticed my anti-social-ness. You don’t have to be friends with people to see that they aren’t acting normally and want to know why. That’s simple human curiosity.

So there ya go, if something happens (not saying it will) then you know why I didn’t come to you. And I didn’t write any of this to offend anyone. I know you are all great people in your own right. But in my situation knowing and feeling are two things so different and far apart they might as well be the US and North Korea.

ttyl and better days,

I see nothing in your eyes, and the more I see the less I like.
---Breaking Benjamin, Breath, Phobia

Alura - 9:08 PM

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

[::..Thank You Amy!..::]

Amy Lee is amazing! Her lyrics lift me up and keep me from feeling so isolated. Seeing and hearing her live was amazing. The pain and dirt of moshing was beyond worth it. Thank you Amy. Thank you.

ttyl and kinky sex dreams for all,

"Thanks for coming out guys and thanks for knowing th lyrics to the new songs!"
---Amy Lee. Silly Amy! As if I would go without knowing the lyrics!

Alura - 12:29 AM

Monday, October 16, 2006

[::..A Bit of Understanding..::]

Well today we switched out the old Klegal Brothers lamps with new, pretty, shiny, sleek, black lamps. It was fun. Anyway, I realized that I do still like my friends. Its just taht I only like them in a Tech setting. If I see them outside of Tech, they will most likely get on my nerves; at least at some point. But in Crew related things I love them to death. I suppose that in a Crew setting there's structure. Certain people are in charge and take care of certain things. No problem there. I know what to expect. Well, its not perfect that I cant for the most part stand my friends unless its during a Crew event, but at least I dont have to worry about absolutly hating the next show. Thank god!

ttyl and kinky sex dreams for all,

"You know you're a Techie when you know that light is really a lamp."
--- Me

Alura - 7:23 PM

Sunday, October 15, 2006

[::..Mental Health, What's That!?..::]

Yeah, I took another mental health day Friday. Thursday had been a good day. Then my mother got home. *shakes head* I was just so pissed. Everything she said was either rude, critical, repremanding, or mocking. EVERY DAMN WORD!!! (Kinda like today when I got home.) I had to run to my room to cry at least 5 times that night before bed. I even had to run to the bathroom to cry once. (With my parents in the living room thank you very much. And to all you who have been in my house you know how close that is.) That was after my mother made fun of Evanescence. I also punched her in the face for that. The one thing that keeps me from loosing my mind totally and she makes fun of it. Kinda like she shows no respect for anything I do. I work on a treaty and the entire time I'm negotiating, she makes fun of the treaty. God, sometimes I really wish she would just die. No, thats not true; I wish I would die. I even prayed that I wouldnt wake up the next day. Of course, that didnt happen. Thanks a lot God! (And no, I dont care how blasphamous that sounds.)

What makes this even worse is that my family didnt notice. You'd think they would notice my red, puffy, watery eyes. Guess not. Either that or I've gotten REALLY good at hiding my crying. Too good I guess. *sigh*

Do I really have to go to school tomorrow? I dont wanna. That means seeing my friends and we all know how I feel about that. You know, stupid hollow relationships that wont in any was shape or form help me in life. What's the point in being friends with them again? I mean, I avoid them at all times possible. How is that friendship? Oh God! The show will be wonderful. And by wonderful I mean hell of course.

*shakes head* I'm really tired of this folks. Its not fair that I'm so alone. I dont know what I did wrong but trust me I'M SORRY! Can this pain go away now? Can I have someone in my life now? Can I be happy now? Just tell me how to make up for this and i'll do it. Cause I'm tired of being so miserable. Its not fair at all. No one should have to live like this. Crying themselves to sleep most nights, learning how to hide evidence of tears, wanting to do things to themselves, wanting to run away, wanting to die. That's not normal folks. Then again you'd think I'd be used to that. The pain and misery I mean. *sigh*

Oh and I realized today when talking to MJ, *shudders,* that I dont have a crush on Matt anymore. Its beyond that folks. I'm 17 and I've fallen in love for the second time. And yet again for a guy that doesnt love me back. And that ladies and gentleman is my life.

ttyl and better days,

If I fall and all is lost
Its where I belong
---Evanescence, Cloud Nine, The Open Door

Alura - 7:16 PM

Monday, October 09, 2006

[::..One Thing..::]

Can I just say one thing?


ttyl and better days,

So disconnected, going through the motions again
So disconnected
When will this cycle end
---Trapt, Disconnected, Someone In Control

Alura - 9:47 PM

Friday, October 06, 2006


So today was a half day. I was invited to Jins but didnt really wanna go. So I was just gonna hang out with Jeremy. Then he pressures me into going to Jin's. That went surprisingly well. So well infact, that I decide to ask Emily and Brittany to go to the mall with me. We get there and all seems well, I'm a bit weary of spending time with either of them outside of the group setting for more then just 10 minutes but I was willing to give it a try. MISTAKE! We happen to walk by Too Cool and I said I didnt wanna go by. Emily then proceeds to drag Brit in there. I simply walked away. I wasnt pissed more disappointed that they couldnt even have gone 20 mins without annoying me. They completely disregarded what I said. I walked around the mall by myself. Taking a lot of looping routes up stairs and down stairs to make sure I lost them. Ugh! They found me. So I end up spending more time with them. Except now I have to desire to be there and I'm pissed. The more I think about it, the angrier I get. How dare they disregard what I say? Thats bull shit! It was like a cherry on top of a shit cake of crap I dont like dealing with. So I end up leaving them. Telling them I wanna leave.

Now for the next bit you need some background info. I have made public annoucements to the Techies at least twice before not to visit me at subway.

So at work I get there and I'm still a little pissed and emo but its not too bad. I ask Sam if I could go get my DVD player and Ev CD because I knew that would make me feel a bit better. As I'm walking out, Dustin and Jeremy are pulling up. When I get back, Marina is there. Five minutes later, Brittany shows up. My only response to that was walking outside to the back of the store, then to the side of the dumpster and screaming. Not that that helped much. I was still pissed. I mean, how dear they completely ignore what I said? I told them not to, and they come by anyway. Is it simply not important what I say? Do they have no respect for me? Do they think I'm just one big joke? Cause really, if I hadnt gone outside to scream and then listened to Ev, I would have punched a hole in the sneeze guard. And I'm not joking.

And to top it all off, Brittany asked me if I was ok. ASKED IF I WAS OK!!!!!!!!!! We all know I hate that. I have never and probably will never answer that question correctly. Its so impersonal. If you really wanna know how I am, you'll ask a better question then that. You'll say "Is [fill in the blank] bothering you?" Then I'll answer yes or no. Simply as that. "Are you ok." Is just so generic and impersonal. Its bull shit. I hate it. If you knew me, you wouldnt ask that. In fact, if you knew me, youd know to leave me the fuck alone when I'm pissed and to not talk about it. Of course, Jeremy and Marina ask about it. *shakes head*

So I think I'm officially not good friends with any of them. That was just so wrong. I felt so disrespected. Like I had been slapped in the face, told that I and what I said didnt matter.

Thats really sad. I thought at least I had Jeremy and Marina left. *sigh*

ttyl and kinky sex dreams for all,

Should it hurt to love you
Should I feel like I do
Should I lock the last open door
My ghosts are gaining on me
---Evanescence, All That I'm Living For, The Open Door

Alura - 10:54 PM

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I swear it, I'm incapable of being happy. I feel so down right now. I cant focus, I wanna cry, I wanna leave, I wanna sleep, I wanna die, I wanna not exist. Maybe if I say it long enough it'll be true. It worked for Dorothy.

I dont exist.
I dont exist.
I dont exist.

ttyl and better days,

Feels like the weight of the world
Like all my screaming has gone unheard
And oh I know you don't believe in me
Safe in the dark
How can you see
---Evanescence, Weight of the World, The Open Door

Alura - 10:48 PM

Sunday, October 01, 2006

[::..So Few..::]

God, lately I'm so anti-social. Thats why I wasnt in school. I couldnt stand the thought of being in school. Its not school that I hate, its people. On an indivdual basis, most people are ok. Well kinda. Within the last few days, even more people have been added to my "Annoying As Hell" List. Its most of Tech Crew now.

It feels like there's a veil. Its thin, almost so thin, I cant see it sometimes. So I can be happy for moments. I can laugh and joke and almost mean it. I can be a teenager and almost forget hot old I truly feel.

But then the wind blows. And I feel the veil moving more and more, obscuring my view of the people around me. Making me feel isolated and confused. Suddenly everyones just a kid having fun, and I'm the one that no one sees. Well, they see me, see a body at least. They see a body going through the motions, waking each day, laughing at their jokes, writing each paper, taking each step, throwing each card.

They see Rhodes.

But does anyone see Jessica?

Does anyone see the lonely, confused little girl I really am? No. No one does. Sometimes I think that if wouldnt matter if I just left. People would notice that Rhodes was gone. But no one would miss me. They'd miss who they thought I was. That's all.

I'm just tired. Wearing a mask all the time is just so hard. I feel weighed down each moment of my life. Those three days allowed me to take my mask off. To just be me. The only other time I feel free like that is over the weekends when I work with Matt. (Yes folks, MD again.) With him I just feel so special. No, scratch that. I dont feel special at all. And thats that thing. I feel normal then. I dont feel like a fake, I dont feel like I have to pretend I'm happy. In those few hours with him, I actually feel happy. I feel like a normal 17 year old girl at work with her crush. That's all. Nothing else. I dont feel like that around any else. No one!

I think that's why I dont like so many people. They dont know me and I dont know them. And whenever I think I know them, they do some weird shit that makes me loose respect for them entirely. Its all just one big facade. Thats how I feel about the majority of my "friendships."

I kinda talked to Matt about it. We were talking and I mentioned how I ditched 3 days of school to avoid my friends. Told him about how I didnt really like most of my friends anymore. Told him there wre only like 3 I still liked. He guessed two right away. Sam and Marina. He didnt get Jeremy though. Though with recen information I got, my opinion of him dropped so I'll have to wait till I see him to know if hes still one of the three. *sigh*

Marina is prolly the most complex one of my friends. I feel like as I get closer to her, she gets farther from Sam. And perhaps is really egotistical of me to think it, but I cant help but feel like I'm partly responsible. Makes me wanna stop being close to Marina. Though I like our deep thought provking talks. It exercised my brain. Thats one thing I miss about Neylon. We had lots of talks that provoked my thoughts. Though I can get that with MD too. Hmm.... grrr...

I hate this. I feel so weighed down. Just by bull shit. I hate that I have to avoid most of my friends. I cant avoid them in the morning cause I give Emily a ride to school, and I dont have anyone else to hang out with in the morning. Then 1st hr I have Woods with Jeremy and Shaffer. After that I dont see anyone. Until lunch. I must admit I'm kinda addicted to Euchre at lunch. So I dont wanna give that up. Besides, where else would I sit? Then I have International Relations which is clear and amazing. It also stimulates my brain. ^_^ Then early dismissal, which I suppose I could actually start leaving for. Novel concept, I know.

I could talk to Emily and tell her to start getting a ride somewhere else. Then just veg in the morning in the library or something. And not tell anyone where I go. Then I just have to deal with people during 1st and lunch. Not too bad. Its the mornings I hate most cause I just feel out of place. I always have a hard time putting my mask on now days. So the mornings suck ass.

And then there's my weekends with Matt. Those keep me sane. Even though we yell at each other over stupid crap, I feel normal then. Its so *takes a deep breath* refreshing! I'd like to think our stupid arguments are a Rowlingesque way of us to release tension that would be there without it. That's prolly just wishful thinking though. *sigh* It just sucks that the one person I feel I can be myself around is a person I only see a day or two a week. Like today he called me Rhodes and I yelled at him for it. To him I'm Jessica. If I become Rhodes to him, I dont know what I'd do.

What I need most is my "special someone" so to speak. I know that if I werent so lonely, then my hallow relationships wouldnt bother me. They're normal. I'm just seeking companionship from anywhere so that anything that doesnt seem able to provide that annoys me. Is that wrong? I just want a person I can go to when I wanna cry. A person I can go to when I feel like crap and just want affection. Just a hug. I mean I get hugs all the time but they mean nothing. Theres no love behind them. Their just actions, no feeling. The last hug I had that I felt feeling in was the one from Matt during the "mutual excursion."

*sigh* I'm getting tired of this folks. I really am.

ttyl and better days,

Desperate, I will crawl
Waiting for so long
No love, there is no love.
Die for anyone
What have I become?
--- Breaking Benjamin, The Diary of Jane, Phobia

Alura - 8:25 PM